Release notes November - December 2021
In November-December, we focused on additions to financial reporting for riders and organisers as well as on features for judges in KIPA.
Major changes
1. Show financial statement for rider
A financial statement report added to rider´s shopping basket (under Balances tab). The report includes revenues and expenses, including prize money (if prize money checklist is used by organiser from KIPA side). It also includes data on transactions, paid and not paid returns, paid entry fees and fees that are still in shopping basket.
2. Show financial statement for organiser
A new financial statement includes revenue / expenses report from the perspective of organiser. After the financial part of the show is closed and everything is settled, the report can be used for accounting records. The report is accessible from the Finances interface.
3. Judges´ module added to results in Dressage, Eventing and Driving
- When Equipe APP is used and Dressage judges are added under a class, the data will be transferred automatically to KIPA together with results.
- Judges´ list will be shown in results public view at the end of the class results list
- When judges are added in Equipe APP correctly, the person is exported from KIPA via data service (not added by hand) or the organiser has supplemented the judge´s data with person ID used in KIPA, the role under the show will be automatically updated.
- When Equipe APP is not in use, organiser can add judges from the results interface.
- When looking for a judge, please note, that qualifications´ control applies exactly like adding a role of a judge under the show. After adding a judge, the role will be update automatically.
4. Overview of officials´ professional experience
Under the person profile - roles in shows - new parameters on professional experience of officials have been added:
- search by discipline and competition level;
- full data on show´s levels and classes´ difficulties;
- a summary of judge´s experience by level and difficulties (only classes with results published are taken into account).
5. Option to extend the duration of staff role under organisation
To extend the duration of a role, i.e. administrator under the club or company, the administrators have a possibility to edit the existing role by pressing on the Edit button for the role under organisation´s profile (staff members´ list).
6. Restriction to purchase licences applies to riders with paid annual membership fees
Based on the SRL request, a restriction to purchase licences added - to purchase a licence, a rider should have a paid membership fee. This data comes from SENSE register. Please note it takes some time for a payment to get marked as confirmed and transferred to KIPA.
7. Option for organiser to mark, if entry that should be paid externally, is paid or not
When marking the entry as paid externally, there is an option open for organisers to mark payment as confirmed (always selected as default) or to mark it as still open. This option will help tracking debts outside the payments system, i.e. when organiser issues an invoice or agrees on payment outside the system.
8. Option for Federation Administrator to mark the Federation fees as settled outside the system
When this checkbox in external payment modal is checked, the Federation fees (3 EUR per entry) will be considered as settled outside the system, not paid from the organiser´s show balance. Usually, when organiser marks entry fees as paid externally, the federation fees will become an expense that should be paid from organisers´ budget. When this check-box is checked, the full cost of the entry is brought outside the event balance and can be reconciled outside the payment system. This function can be used by Federation to invoice the debtors directly allowing to close the shows also with debtors.
9. Option to track External Payments from the Finances page
A list of external payments added to the Finances reports.
There are two sections: 1. payables to organiser and 2. payables to Federation (3 EUR).
For each list a registrant person (payer), class, athlete, horse, outcome of registration and amount are specified. For organiser-specific payables, the payment status and the way of paying for Federation fees (event balance or external) are specified. When Federation fees are marked as paid from show balance, these fees will be subtracted from the organiser´s revenue and showed in Organiser statement as expense "Organiser funded fees to Federation".
10. Changes in showing disqualification reason in results protocol for Endurance
In Endurance results view, in addition to the gate nr, where the pair got disqualification, a reason will be added. When Equipe APP is used for Endurance, the disqualification reason will be exported and stored in the system automatically. When results are entered manually, the reason can be added from the extended results protocol.
11. Splitting returns into two row in Sales dashboard in show Finances page
Based on feedback, showing returns were split into two rows:
1. Returns - these are returns that are on the returns account (if not paid out) or paid out to users (paid put).
2. Returns used - these are returns that are used one or several times inside the system, i.e. when paying internally for changed classes or products.