Release notes March 2021
In March, we focused mainly on finalizing the SRL administrator´s functions for managing the membership data in KIPA and improvements of the SENSE-KIPA memberships sync logic. The licence checks configuration is more flexible allowing in the future configuring various exceptions from licence check rules during registration to the show.
Usability improvements
For participants lists in shows and clinics that use payments, both registration date and confirmation date are shown. Entry is considered as confirmed only after it is paid. Users can now see the paid and not paid entries. Not paid entries do not have the confirmation date and time and are shown on grey background.
Please note that only confirmed (paid entries) are counted in the counters of participants in schedule and participants lists.
Administrative features
1. More flexible configuration of licence checks. The following possibilities added:
- the licence checks are configurable for licence category, discipline, difficulty level and competition level. It is possible, for example, to set different licence requirements within one competition level;
- a possibility to add exceptions from licence checks is added. It can be used, for example, for events that shouldn´t require any licence (like pony measurements). To add exception, a special difficulty level (pony measurement) can be configured and exception added to configurations.
Example of interface for licence checks configurations:
All previous configurations have been migrated AS IS. The development can be used in case Federation decides to change configuration rules or open some additional possibilities for system use.
2. For SRL administrators, a possibility to see membership records coming from SENSE register and to change the club that athlete represents in sports was added. From person profile - Memberships tab - it is possible to see the SENSE´s data on memberships on the left and the representing club data on the right:
Administrator can terminate the representing period and add new representing membership. *representing membership is the period, when person represents one of the clubs in competitions. The following business rules apply for these actions:
- There can be one representing membership in a time.
- The change of the representing club happens during the competition licence purchase. If licence period is ended, no new seasonal licence purchased and person is still in the same club, the representing status remain unchanged
- Person can only represent a club that he / she is the member of. If the membership in club is terminated, this terminates also the representing membership for this club (if active).
- Representing club data is used in results records, ranking points tables and statistics.
When terminating representing membership, administrator can set the end date. End dates selection checks for registrations in the past and the future to guarantee the data consistency.
2. SRL administrators can see and search for members´ data also from the organisation profile. On organisation profile, a tab Members was made available for SRL administrators to be able to see the data on members, including who are representing club in sports, their membership data and licences data.
Other improvements
1. In rankings interfaces, we started to show the representing club for the moment, when ranking points were earned.
2. The following new dashboards produced for SRL administrators in reporting section:
- Cancelled national shows and clinics. Dashboard includes statistics and raw data on all cancelled events, reasons for cancellations per discipline, region, organiser, level and other parameters.
- Athletes´ ranking points summary for regional reporting. Dashboard includes data on collected ranking points per club, region, ranking table and period. For a region, it is possible to get data on the best performing club in their region for concrete discipline at national or regional level.
- Horses´ raking points summary report.
- For Vaulting, a report on lungers professional activity.
- Operational report for horses, incl suspended horses, deactivated horses with valid licences, ponies with licences with expired measurements.
- Operational report for shows, incl pending publications of schedules, issues with closing event wallet, shopping baskets with debts etc.
3. National shows dashboard was updated. Shows statistics are calculated based on the highest competition level in a show.